8 Best Healthy Foods For Dogs In 2023

This is a subject that means a lot to me. I’m quite interested in both food therapy and food medicine. It’s a topic I regularly discuss with my patients.

The health of your dog can be improved by feeding it a variety of meals. You may easily incorporate these into your dog’s diet without changing the way you already feed him.

The good news is that, regardless of where people are coming from and how open they are to changing the diet, even if they aren’t ready to move from kibble to raw (which is my ultimate goal), there are some very basic additions they can make to the diet that can make a tremendous difference in their dog’s health.

Food has long been used as a form of medication. In the last century or two, mainstream medicine has veered far from this, but luckily, it’s making a comeback.

Neither veterinarians nor medical doctors have traditionally received extensive dietary education. The training that veterinarians do receive is often inadequate and sometimes biassed. This is why many vets don’t give it much attention.

But this in no way diminishes the significance of good diet…

When one’s diet is incorrect, medical treatment is useless. When eating right, you won’t require drugs.

An Old Ayurvedic Saying

Therapeutic Dietary Interventions
True health begins with proper nutrition. It’s the stuff from which the body gets its strength, resilience, and capacity to mend itself and its tissues.

Because of this, diet and nutritional supplements receive a lot of attention from holistic health professionals.

No of the reason a patient visits me, we always begin by discussing their diet and intestinal health.

Food is the most essential medicine we consume on a daily basis, and we need to treat it as such. Maintaining your dog’s health relies heavily on a diet of fresh, healthy, minimally processed, or unprocessed food.


Here Are 8 Healthful Foods That Can Help Your Dog Get Well

Every day, I suggest foods like these to my patients. When added to a dog’s diet, these are generally fantastic additions.

Your dog will reap enormous benefits from drinking bone broth. It is, in fact, a healing elixir.

What precisely is bone broth? Bones braised in apple cider vinegar over the course of many days. All of these nutrients are slowly dissolved in water, making them highly accessible to the body.

Health advantages of bone broth:

As a matter of fact, the more you think about it, the more you’ll realize that it’s all in your head. When the intestinal barrier is compromised and toxins are able to enter the bloodstream, gelatin can help heal the mucosal lining and restore its normal function. Proteins and lipids in diet are easier to digest with the help of gelatin. Glycine aids in liver detoxification since it is a precursor to glutathione, itself a potent detoxifier. The liver is an extremely useful organ that serves many functions. The primary function of this organ is to help our dogs’ bodies get rid of the toxins they’re exposed to. Chemicals, hormones, and toxins are all flushed out. The minerals, acids, and electrolytes it offers also aid the body’s natural cleansing mechanisms.

Glycine and proline are potent anti-inflammatories, decreasing inflammation. Reduces inflammation and joint pain – Bone broth has been shown to reduce inflammation and joint pain in recent scientific investigations.
Glycine is essential for building muscle strength, and it also helps strengthen bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It helps keep muscles from wasting away by stopping the catabolism of their protein constituents as dogs age. Proline, glucosamine, and chondroitin are all components of collagen that aid in the maintenance of cartilage and the cushioning of joints.

Bone broth is an excellent source of macro-minerals like calcium and phosphorus, as well as trace minerals like magnesium and zinc, and it also helps the body absorb these nutrients better. Bone broth facilitates the absorption of these minerals and provides the body with tools to increase antioxidant activity, both of which aid in the fight against infections. Benefits skin health by preventing premature ageing and constructing robust skin tissue. Glycine is a vital neurotransmitter, meaning it helps keep your brain running smoothly. Bone broth has been shown to boost memory and focus while also facilitating restful slumber.
Bone broth is something you can prepare at home or find in many pet specialty stores.

  • 2. Raw goat milk

Unpasteurized (raw) milk is a nutritious powerhouse. Check out the nutritional breakdown:

Vitamins A, D, and K2, which are fat-soluble
“Good fats” Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Medium Chain Triglycerides
Digestive enzymes and probiotics
Amino acids/proteins
Calcium, magnesium, and potassium are essential minerals and electrolytes.
Raw milk has numerous health advantages. Studies demonstrate that it improves immunological function and lessens allergic reactions. It’s helpful for your digestive system because of the probiotics and enzymes. Additionally, it promotes better skin health and aids in the repair of a leaky gut.

How about milk from cows? Even though there are some great qualities in cow milk, I much like drink goat milk. The definition of goat milk is:

Improved allergy tolerance due to reduced lactose content
Because the fat globules are smaller, it’s easier to digest and absorb.
Goat milk’s medium-chain triglyceride content is 30-35% higher than cow milk’s, at 15-20%.
As a matter of fact, the more you think about it, the more you’ll realise that it’s true:
Small dogs should have around a quarter cup per day, medium dogs about a half cup, and giant dogs about three quarters of a cup. You should begin with less and gradually increase to these levels.

  • 3. Organ Meats

Organ meat is an essential part of the diet whether you feed commercial raw, handmade meals, or something else entirely. The 80-10-10 guideline (80% muscle meat, 10% bone, and 10% organ meats) is followed by many commercial diets and amateur cooks, however I prefer a bit more variety.

Nutrient density is highest in organs and glands. This encompasses the hepatic, renal, adrenal, pancreatic, cerebral, gastric (and cardiac) axis. Generally speaking, liver and other organ meats are blood and strength boosters. Blood tonics is what they’re called in TCM. We also know that carnivores place a high value on the organs; in fact, that’s the first thing they eat.

You should aim to incorporate some of the following organ meats into your dog’s diet:

The liver is a rich source of several essential nutrients. According to studies, it significantly improves muscular strength and endurance.
Nephrons require vitamins A, B12, riboflavin, and iron.
CoQ10, vitamin B12, amino acids, and collagen all help the heart.
Vitamin C for the adrenal glands.
Cognitive support from omega-3s, selenium, zinc, and vitamin B12
Enzymes, probiotics, selenium, zinc, and vitamin B12 can all be found in green, unbleached tripe.
**In case you’re craving any organ meats, look for organic, pasture-raised options.

  • 4. Eggs

Eggs have a reputation as a dietary powerhouse. The protein content of these foods has been praised as the highest of any. And including them in your dog’s diet is a breeze.

What they give is:

Protein and amino acids of the highest quality
Vitamins A, D, and E, as well as the B-complex
Magnesium, copper, and potassium
Don’t believe the nonsense spread over the past few decades that eggs are bad for your heart; they’re actually one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Eggs’ cholesterol helps the body maintain a healthy level of the substance. Cholesterol is essential for the proper functioning of the brain and liver. They promote healthy skin and eyes as well.

In search of free-range eggs. (Be careful while shopping; cage-free doesn’t necessarily mean free-range.) There are more than twice as many omega-3 fatty acids, three times as much vitamin E, seven times as much beta-carotene, sixty percent more vitamin A, and ninety-eight percent fewer salmonella bacteria in free-range eggs.

Raw eggs are safe to eat. A daily egg is a healthy treat for dogs of all sizes, but especially for large breeds. You could do it daily if that’s easier, or every other day.

  • 5. Omega-3 Oils

I suggest including tiny oily fish in your diet on a regular basis as a source of omega-3 oils. ( Click Here To Read About Dogs Supplement )

The health advantages of this are numerous and include:

Mental fuel
Cooperative effort
Physiology of the Kidneys
Health of the Heart Skin and Eyes
Small fish like sardines and anchovies don’t have the same levels of accumulated poisons as their larger counterparts. They are more hygienic and provide an excellent dose of omega-3s. Also, avoid fish that has been grown in a tank.

It’s best to ease into eating oily fish, as it can be quite nutrient dense. Start with half a sardine per day for smaller dogs, and work up to a whole can every other day for larger dogs.

Additional places to find omega-3 oils:

Krill oil is highly bioavailable, yet its environmental impact is questionable due to overfishing.
The most sustainable and environmentally friendly option is calamari oil, which also offers the highest levels of DHA and EPA.
Cod liver oil is extracted from the fish’s liver. DHA, EPA, vitamin A, and vitamin D are all abundant in this food.
CONNECTED: Isn’t ordinary fish oil sufficient? Not a big hit with us. This is the reason why!

Dog Food

  • 6. MCT Oil

MCT oil is one of the other therapeutic superfoods I prescribe to all of my patients. The acronym MCT refers to medium-chain triglyceride, a healthy fat. It doesn’t easily oxidise at high temperatures because it has a strong thermal stability. That’s why it’s so perfect for the kitchen.

There is a wide variety of positive effects on health:

Nutrition for the brain: It boosts memory and reduces the risk of dementia.
Lauric acid is anti-microbial, effective against bacteria and yeast/candida.
Rich in minerals and antioxidants
Calms down inflammation
Promotes robust immunological function
Beneficial for the skin and teeth.
It is a healthy fat that aids in the battle against cancer. There is evidence that cancer cells are unable to metabolise lipids. Carbohydrates, when broken down, provide glucose, or sugars, which cancer cells use for energy. Providing a diet with more healthy fats and fewer carbohydrates will help starve cancer.

Get MCT oil that hasn’t been adulterated with lauric acid. Dogs typically enjoy the flavour. One teaspoon per 10 to 20 pounds of body weight is the standard daily dosage recommendation. You need to ease into it and build up to it.

Related: Here are some of coconut oil’s drawbacks…

  • 7. Kelp Kelp is beneficial for dogs since it contains many trace minerals. As our soils continue to be depleted, we need to find new ways to replenish their mineral content. These minerals are being supplied by the ocean. It’s essential to every life on Earth.

Many of the nutrients needed by kelp seaweed are taken in through the leaves, rather than the roots. Compared to plants that grow on land, sea vegetables have 10-20 times more vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It’s also a powerful source of trace minerals and complex phytonutrients.

Some of the minerals that are rich in kelp are iodine, selenium, zinc and magnesium. There are several health benefits of these nutrients, including:

The Thyroid
Metabolic health
Nervous system health
Digestive system health
Immune function

  • 8. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are one of my favorite foods that can be offered on a daily basis. I use them myself every day. Mushrooms contain some of the most unique and potent natural medicines on the planet. They’ve been used in Chinese herbal formulas for centuries because they provide such powerful health benefits.

Some of the best mushrooms include:

Turkey Tail
Lion’s Mane
Medicinal mushrooms are packed full of vitamins and nutrients including beta glucans, flavonoids, prebiotics, digestive enzymes and antioxidants. One of the most well-known benefits is the amazing boost to the immune system. Digestive health and anti-cancer benefits are also good reasons to add them to your dog’s diet.

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